
Start Over - 가호 - 시작 [이태원클라쓰


Start over gaho ost itaewon class

[0:50 am, 04/06/2020] ありん。

Ever watched Itaewon Class? The most one K-dramas that get high rating in the shows the last drama episode's. Then, below is the lyrics from Itaewon Class sountrack, but I'm writing Gaho's song in English Lyrics.

Start Over

New Beginnings are always exciting
Like I can overcome everything
I want to charge ahead
Like a clock needle chasing time
Beyond the lines drawn
Each one of us facing life
You might blame it at times
Don't cross that line yet

I can fly the sky
Never gonna stay
Until I'm exhausted
Whatever the reason
Whatever the excuse
What I need now is courage

Even though it doesn't shine
I'll support my dream
And have the last laugh
Even if I'm running on one foot…
Like I'm broken
I'm going to go my own way
The promise I made with myself
That I'm not going to stop now
Even if you get ahead of others
They'll soon catch up with you

I will have all that I want
Because that is my dream
Nothing's changed
Hang in there…
My dream will become even better
Start again…

I don't want to lose myself again
Because I've put in my all

Why I'm typing this now?

This like poetry that adapted from Gaho's song. I like a verse like this, so I'm typing this. Then, I'm sure you know about what I'm writing now. If not, no problem. I just writing this because what I ever writing before was like this. In high school I ever wrote a poetry because the teacher told us to make it.

And now, because my friend, I was found it again. I have other version, but it was gone. And, I really like the phrase I can fly to the sky. But, this poetry come because a cinema. Just watch Itaewon Class, you will found what your question during this life. Or, just search about start over in backsound of Itaewon Class.

I recommended to watch this cinema. It will changed your mind. If you feel your life not worth, or very hard, this cinema will make you blessed.

First I watched it, I'm crying. Oh, so embarrasshingly. But, it's a reason, enough to face the life. You will feel same with me. :)

And then, from this life, we just need to enjoy it. If life gotten harder, you just leveled up. Cycling life always got a challenge to track you able or not to receive more responsibility, more successfull.

I just laugh to heard that. Why? Because what I was wrote before, always happen, always got real in life. Then, going something bigger that I never guess before. That's amazing, in my opinion, also ironic.

Then, just blessed and smiled with life.

If you have any question, or suggestion, just cut off in comment below.

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